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Iulia Gherghescu


2011- 2014

Tulane University

New Orleans, USA

MFA in Design and Technical Production 



The Caragiale University of Theatrical Arts and Cinematography Bucharest, Romania 

B.F.A. in Production design


"Swan Lake", The Comic Opera for Children, Bucharest; (costume design )
"Relatively speaking" by Alan Ayckbourn, director Claudiu Goga, Targu Mures National Theatre - Liviu Rebreanu company;
"Klara's relations" by Dea Loher, director Alma Andreescu, Apropo Theatre, Bucharest;
"Heidi- the musical" by Johannei Spyri, director Claudia Ciobanu, The Comic Opera for Children,Bucharest;
Music concert "Madrigal 60" for The National Chamber Choir “Madrigal – Marin Constantin”; (Period costume design )
Costume design for "Mister Fox" by L. Gelbart, director Cristian Hadji Culea , “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre Iași;
2020 "Maternal" by Alexandra Badea, director Radu Nica, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu;
"MaMe - devised project", direction Cristian Ban, “Fani Tardini” Theatre, Galati;
"Much ado about nothing" by W.Shakespeare, director Radu Nica, Piatra Neamt Theater;
"Erus and the valley of generosity" by Alec Blenche, director Ana Craciun Lambru, The Comic Opera for
 Children, Bucharest;
2018 "The snails/Melcul" by Lia Bugnar, director Lia Bugnar, Metropolis Theater, Bucharest;
2017 "Butterflies are free" by L.Gershe, director E.Simsensohn, Theater Excelsior, Bucharest;
2016 "Blowing" by J. Van Der Berg, director E.Simsensohn, “Mihai Eminescu” Theatre, Botosani;
"A bedfull of foreigners" by D.Freeman, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu;
"The Indian wants the Bronx" by I. Horowitz, director Iarina Demian ARCUB, Bucharest;
2013 "Waiting for Godot" by S.Beckett, director Jes Podewell, Lupin Theater, Tulane University, New Orleans, USA;
"Gingerbread Lady" by N.Simon, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu;
"The Star-Spangled Girl" by N. Simon, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu;
Musical "Three penny opera" by B. Brecht , “Ion Dacian” Musical Theater Bucharest;
"A streetcar named desire" by T. Williams, U.N.A.T.C., Bucharest, Romania;
2009 Set  design "The death of Tarelkin" by A. Suhovo Kobilin, director Gelu Colceag, Metropolis Theater, Bucharest;

Assistant designer
2018 "The Scarlet Princess" After Sakura Hime Azuma Bunshô,by Tsuruya Nanboku the 4th, direction Silviu Purcărete, designer D. Buhagiar, “Radu Stanca” National Theatre, Sibiu;
2017 "The Cafe" by C.Goldoni, direction Silviu Purcărete, designer D. Buhagiar, “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre Iasi ;
2014 Studio JG Lecat, Paris, France
2010 ”Who’s affraid of Virgina Woolf ” by E.Albee, direction Gelu Colceag, designer Diana Cupsa Bucharest Comedy Theatre;
2023 Costume design for music video "Consumed" direction B.Daragiu, Ross F.Ray;
2022 Production designer for "Know thy partner" (short film) direction H. Cucuta, G. Gänæaard;
2021 Production designer for "The other side of the curiosity" (short film) direction H. Cucuta, G. Gänæaard;
2015 Production designer (set) for "41/2 Senses" (short film) direction R. Racean Gorgos, I. Arama;
2012 Art director for "Love Building" (feature film) direction Iulia Rugina;
2008-2010 Tv set design for Realitatea Media;
2010 Set design for Avon commercial ad, direction Millo Simulov;

Event design
● Installation and space design for Tazz@ Untold 2022
● Installation and space design for Tazz@ SummerWell 2022
● Space design for “Colosseum -Takes the stage” opening event for Colosseum mall, Bucharest, 2022
● Installation and space design for Tazz@Electriv Castle 2021;
● Installation and space design for Tazz@ Untold 2021;



Grants & Awards


2009 - I'm a title. Click here to edit me.

2006 - I'm a title. Click here to edit me.

2001 - I'm a title. Click here to edit me.

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